Based on its Energy Track & Trace registry, the transmission system operator 50Hertz has started a pilot project in Germany to enable hourly level transparency on green electricity sources. Together with green electricity pioneer LichtBlick and the start-up Granular Energy they generate granular energy certificates, record them in the ‘Energy Track & Trace’ registry and match the green electricity generation for first Lichtblick customers at a granular level.
Key takeaways:
- Using Granular Energy’s platform, LichtBlick is able to manage these certificates in an automated way to give end-consumers full-transparency of where their energy is coming from down to the hourly level.
- The project is based on the ETT register of the Elia Group with verified measurement data.
Next steps:
- Expansion of the pilot project to further Lichtblick customers.
- Scaling of ETT in Germany to further suppliers.
- Automated connection to the GO register of the German IB UBA to avoid double counting.