The Concept of 24/7 Bundled T-RECs Mechanism

Project location
ROC Taiwan
Temporal matching
15 min
Geographical matching
Country level
Energy tracked (measured/forecasted)
1,155.77 [GWh/y]
Tracking method
Granular Certificates

In the long run, when the free-trading renewable energy market is over 50% of the total electricity market, the renewable energy market should have a self-balancing mechanism to keep the power system stable.

How to ensure the free trading renewable energy market to balance its generation and consumption or even to reallocate the extra investment for stabilizing the renewable energy market will be a crucial issue for renewable energy market development and power system stability.

Key takeaways:

  1. Transfer System Based on Power Trading Results.
  2. System Matching and Tracking at a National Level.
  3. Improves Power Flow Balancing and avoids greenwashing based on AMI records.

Next steps:

  1. Establish a Renewable Energy Power Market Demo Platform
  2. Establish a Renewable Energy Power Market (Day-After Market).
  3. Residual Electricity Matching and Trading in the Centralized Market.


Project stage
