Half-Hourly Matching for EV Daytime Charging by Distributed Community Solar Energy

Project Location
Temporal matching
Geographical matching
Subregion of Country
Energy tracked (measured/forecasted)
1.0 GWh/y
Tracking method
Granular Certificate

As the Government of Japan funded project, D-Sharing Co., Ltd. and Cyber ​​Souken Co., Ltd. developed a half-hourly GC P2P trade platform connected to a nationwide power grid smart meter system and, using AI and behavioral insights (nudge), matched EV daytime charging of consumers with a large number of solar energy prosumers in each region with a smartphone P2P trading application.

Key takeaways:

  1. D-Sharing developed a half-hourly GC P2P trade platform connected to a nationwide Powergrid smart meter system.
  2. Prosumers/consumers (EV chargers) can sell/buy the half-hourly GC with the smartphone application on the following day of electricity delivery as a future trade of EAC.
  3. D-Sharing conducted a dual-grid project where prosumers and consumers make joint efforts to achieve GC hourly matching at the community level using nudge, and social capital power. 

Next steps:

  1. Conduct a GC future trading project before electricity delivery using AI forecasting and disaggregation technologies.
  2. Further, elaborate the nudge model to promote mutual time-shift and GC trading for hourly matching.
  3. Expand the dual grid methodologies to developing countries in Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with Asian Development Bank Institutes.
  4. Harmonize market and location standards of Scope 2 Guidance by evaluating each consumer’s post-GC-trade carbon emission factor and each consumer’s post-carbon emission avoidance factor using D-Shaing’s patented technologies.


Project stage
