As the Government of Japan funded project, D-Sharing Co., Ltd. and Cyber Souken Co., Ltd. developed a half-hourly GC P2P trade platform connected to a nationwide power grid smart meter system and, using AI and behavioral insights (nudge), matched EV daytime charging of consumers with a large number of solar energy prosumers in each region with a smartphone P2P trading application.
Key takeaways:
- D-Sharing developed a half-hourly GC P2P trade platform connected to a nationwide Powergrid smart meter system.
- Prosumers/consumers (EV chargers) can sell/buy the half-hourly GC with the smartphone application on the following day of electricity delivery as a future trade of EAC.
- D-Sharing conducted a dual-grid project where prosumers and consumers make joint efforts to achieve GC hourly matching at the community level using nudge, and social capital power.
Next steps:
- Conduct a GC future trading project before electricity delivery using AI forecasting and disaggregation technologies.
- Further, elaborate the nudge model to promote mutual time-shift and GC trading for hourly matching.
- Expand the dual grid methodologies to developing countries in Asia and the Pacific in collaboration with Asian Development Bank Institutes.
- Harmonize market and location standards of Scope 2 Guidance by evaluating each consumer’s post-GC-trade carbon emission factor and each consumer’s post-carbon emission avoidance factor using D-Shaing’s patented technologies.